Ultionus tvtropes
Ultionus tvtropes

ultionus tvtropes

Here, he's portrayed as a confused newborn Driven to Villainy after discovering the long list of human atrocities when his programming demands he bring world peace. right from the start, receiving no sympathies from anyone, least of all his creations like Vision.

ultionus tvtropes

In the comics, Ultron is a horrific, monstrous A.I. Adaptational Sympathy: He's portrayed far more sympathetically as a whole than his comic book counterpart would ever be.By the end of the movie, he thinks humanity is too far gone to help and states that he's willing to kill everything on the planet. Later on, he decides to enforce Social Darwinism by engineering an extinction-level disaster and helping the survivors become stronger. Conversely, the MCU Ultron's initial motivation was to eliminate the most threatening individuals in the world, which included the Avengers. In the comics, Ultron straight-up wants to Kill All Humans from day one. Adaptational Heroism: Set up in order to be subverted.Since the Mind Stone made him more sentient than originally intended, Ultron developed an independence that made him unpredictable and planned on fulfilling its vague imperative even if it meant committing genocide before Motive Decay set it. Here, Tony and Bruce created him using the Mind Stone as a blueprint in the hopes of creating a defense force for the Earth. Since Hank wasn't exactly stable at the time, Ultron rebelled the moment it was created, developing an Inferiority Superiority Complex as a robot made to serve humans and an Oedipus Complex towards Hank and Janet. Adaptational Backstory Change: In the original comics, Ultron was created by Hank Pym (the original Ant-Man) based off of his own brain patterns.He also is noted as openly craving companionship, which is something Ultron himself was never noted as wanting outside of a need to serve his own goals. Ultron in the MCU is much more emotionally volatile, snarky Religious Robot with a need to Become a Real Boy, most likely due to being a creation of Tony's and the Mind Stone's rather than Hank Pym's. Adaptation Personality Change: Ultron in the comics is a cold, calculating, Mad Scientist with Genius Bruiser and Manipulative Bastard thrown in.Adaptation Distillation: Combines the motives of the Ultron seen in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (believes that his genocidal actions will result in a better world), and the origins of the Ultron from Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow (was created by Tony Stark before going rogue).Accidental Murder: He ends up killing Pietro, one of the few people he gives a damn about, when he unleashes his otherwise very intentional gunfire assault against the Avengers, police, and civilians.AcCENT upon the Wrong SylLABle: He has a tendency to do this before he upgrades himself.

Ultionus tvtropes